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Anie is an Australian artist who currently resides in Sydney. Her practice focuses mainly on the use of materials where their intrinsic properties are woven into the narratives of the work.


The narratives of Anie's work delve into the human body and its sensory processes to explore how we interpret and make sense of our experiences. Often the metaphors of the emotional effects of engagement, disengagement, and re-engagement are embedded in the spatial assembly and the materials used. Broadly, the narratives are sourced through periods of temporal settlements in various cultures at impressionable ages.  The spatial arrangements, shapes, borders, and surfaces are integral to the making of the imageries. 


Anie has had the opportunity to collaborate with various artists, allowing her to interpret and respond to works outside of her practice, leading to a deeper understanding of her work.

Selected Exhibitions, Projects, Awards



Byproducts, SLOTprojects, Alexandria

Flotsam jetsam, SLOTwindow, Alexandria


Paper Contemporary, a Sydney Contemporary        event, Carriage Works, Newtown

SLOT20, Delmar Gallery, Ashfield

Passing Through, Slot, Alexandria


Paper Contemporary, a Sydney Contemporary        event, Carriage Works, Newtown

Group Print Show, Factory49, Marrickville

Paean, Slot, Alexandria


Feeling Bodies, The Waiting Room, Sydney            Hospital

Constellation In the Cranny (solo), AIRspace          Projects, Marrickville

Paper Contemporary, a Sydney Contemporary        event, Carriage Works, Newtown

Waverley Art Prize, Highly Commended (Mixed      Media Category)

Anie Nheu. A silver voice from the corner, 2018. Diptych. Paper clay, egg tempera paint, wire mesh. 45x30cm assembled.

A silver voice from the corner, 2018


On Paper (solo), Factory49, Marrickville

Paper Contemporary, a Sydney Contemporary           event, Carriage Works, Newtown



Forms on Edge (solo), AirSpace Projects,                   Marrickville

Youkobo Art Space a Tokyo Residency

    Open Studio Liquid, Paper and the Space in         Between


The elephant in the room, Slot, Redfern

Paper Contemporary, a Sydney Contemporary           event, Carriage Works, Newtown

Openings [a group painting exhibition], AirSpace        Projects, Marrickville


Intimate Worlds [a group painting exhibition],             AirSpace Projects, Marrickville

Fisher's Ghost Art Award, Finalist, Campbelltown       Arts Centre

Playbox (collaboration project with Janice                   Fieldsend)  AirSpace Projects

Mornington Peninsula National Works on Paper         (finalist)


Several Ways of Conversations (collaborative         drawing exhibition as 3ppod), Shihan Gallery, 

    Seoul, South Korea

Remarking | Remaking, Blacktown Art Centre,        Sydney

Yarns between Bubbles (collaborative drawing as 3ppod), Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney


Bodies in Sustained Emotions (solo),                         galleryeight, Sydney



At the Periphery of Space (solo) Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney



My Story (group) Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing



Tim Olsen Drawing Prize Kudos Gallery (Commended)



Out On a Limb (group) Bathurst Regional Art           Gallery



Stitched, Naked (solo) 4A Gallery

Hazelhurst Art Award: Art on Paper (Finalist)



2004-2007  MFA College of Fine Arts, UNSW


2004  Australian Postgraduate Award scholarship


1994-1997  BFA (Honours Degree, Class 1) College of Fine Arts, UNSW

Professional Developments


2014-current Assists with projects undertaken        by SLOT  

​2024-current Assists with projects undertaken        by UPSpace Gallery 

​2017-2018   Committee member of AIRSpace         Projects

2016 Artist Residency, Youkobo Artspace

2007 International Drawing Research Institute        Symposium, Central Academy of Fine Arts,         Beijing


© 2003-2024 Artist

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